New Jersey VCYBA 2008 Huge Success

We knew the 2008 VCYBA-NJ was off to a great start when we arrived at the Nets practice facility at 7:00 a.m., Monday morning to find campers eagerly waiting. We knew this was going to be a fun week as we observed the excited expressions on campers’ faces as they flowed through the gym door. It felt like a basketball family reunion.
Throughout the week, each camper made a commitment to be the best ball player/student they could be and we commend them for that. We incorporated many skills, drills and team games that each camper could take home and practice in his/her driveway, backyard, school, or recreation center. In addition to the skills and drills, we also emphasized “Words of the Day”: Vision, Balance, Teamwork, Hardwork, and Perseverance. We believe these words are factors for success on and off the court.
The enthusiasm and dedication that was displayed by everyone is the reason this year’s VCYBA-NJ was another success. The academy goals were to improve skills, work hard everyday, and most importantly, have FUN! Thankfully, we achieved our goals and look forward to another great academy next summer.
Big thanks to all of the participants, parents, sponsors, VCYBA staff, and Vince Carter! Please stay connected to for updates and information about VCYBA-NJ 2009!