Come join the fun and all for a good cause! The Vince Carter Charity Gala is August 10, 2019, at the Ocean Center Daytona Beach. We are honoring two outstanding community leaders, Joyce Cusack and Bobby Thigpen, with the Vince Carter’s Embassy of Hope Hall of Fame Award.
The Gala will include heavy hors d’oeuvres, the live band, MPiRE, both live and silent auctions, and a whirlwind of dancing and fun. All money raised from this event will benefit Vince Carter’s Believing in Your Dreams Scholarship Fund and women’s and children’s programs in our community.
We encourage you to help Vince’s foundation continue to work within our community assisting children and families in need. Since 1998, Vince Carter’s Embassy of Hope Foundation has contributed close to $750,000 to children and families in need, primarily here in Volusia County. Of that figure, $190,000 has been given to Volusia County students for scholarships to continue their education.
Contact Vince Carter’s Embassy of Hope Foundation for tickets, sponsorships, or additional information. (386) 239-8215 or embassy1@bellsouth.net
Sponsorship packages are available! Click here for more info