Vince Answers Emails

Q: Dear Vince,
It’s like yesterday when I watched you win the dunk contest 2000. Now it’s 2007 and you’ll be one of the judges; time flies almost as quickly as you can dunk. Besides being your great fan, I wanted to ask you as a basketball player that loves your game. What besides winning championship is your goal in the game? What keeps you motivated after those years? And one more- you told us in 2000 during the dunk contest you have something special in your sleeves? What exactly was it? Thanks for the reply.
Roman from Prague, Czech Republic
A: Hi Roman. Wanting to be one of the best players in the NBA, year after year, continually motivates me. I honestly don’t remember what I was thinking about doing back in 2000.
Q: How hard was the Vince Carter arm dunk the first time you did it?
Zach from Liberty
A: Zach, I’m about to tell you the God’s honest truth. That night during the 2000 All Star Dunk contest was my first time attempting “the arm in the basket” dunk in a competition. I had thought about it several times. That night, I just hoped for the best.
Q: I am 8 years old and a really big fan of the Nets and especially you. I have a signed picture of you on my wall and a poster that says “HeaVINsent”. I go to a lot of Nets games and love when the crowd cheers “VC3”. I have one question for you. What was the toughest game that you ever played?
You are the best player and I plan on being on the Nets when I get older.
Evan from Livingston
A: Hi Evan. You have asked a tough question. In my 9 years in the NBA, I have been through a lot of tough games. It is just not possible to just name one or two.
Q: I’m a huge fan of yours, as well as a huge Nets fan. I always get upset when you lose a game; I was wondering how you deal with it. How do you deal with it, considering there are 82 games and you are bound to lose a couple. How do you bounce back and forget about the last game and just concentrate on the next game?
Finally, what is more frustrating for you, when you lose and you play extremely well, or when you win, but you don’t feel you have played your best?
If you could get back to me, that would be great! Good Luck for Game 6 vs. the Cavs, GO NETS!
Anders from Danbury
A: Anders, with 82 games plus the Playoffs one would not be wise to loose his/her head over one game. You don’t want to carry a negative attitude into the next game. You have to learn to suck it up and prepare for the next game. I HATE TO LOSE! So playing well doesn’t mean much to me if my team doesn’t win the game.
Q: Vince, your hometown is happy for you and the way everything in your life has turned out! My question for you is, with everything going on do you ever get the chance to pick up your Sax and play anymore? You were always the best Sax player in high school.
Missy from Port Orange
A: Hello Missy. I don’t get a chance to play my sax anymore, but I do have one. I pulled it out a few months ago to look at it. I didn’t play it. Maybe one day . . . . . . .
Q: VC, my dad bought season tickets this year so I got to see you play in person. I really enjoyed watching you play and hope you will stay in NJ. Thank you for being a positive role model for me on and off the court! I word hard at school and play basketball every day.
I almost caught your headband after a couple of games but just out of reach. What plans do you have for the summer? Maybe I will see you at the bowling alley.
Marc from Mahwah
A: Well Marc, you just might see me on the lanes. I go bowling a lot. I will be brushing up on my “hook” all summer.